I have consulted on issues ranging related to planning, citizen engagement, food security, social housing, environmental issues and youth programs. If you would like to discuss a project, please send me an email or connect with me through my LinkedIn page.
Examples of my research and consulting projects:
I conducted a mid-term evaluation of ActionAid's Global Safe Cities Program in the four pilot countries where the programme has been implemented to date: Liberia, Cambodia, Ethiopia and Brazil. The evaluation assessed the programme’s relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability, with the primary aim of drawing lessons to inform the programme’s implementation in additional countries.
I conducted an evaluation of a service learning course, Planning for Change: Community Development in Practice, a full-year course at the University of Toronto in the department of Geography and Program in Planning.
I led focus groups and participatory mapping exercises with residents in priority neighbourhoods for Walkability in Toronto’s High-rise Neighbourhoods. See the project’s final report here.
I wrote a strategic plan on urban agriculture for Housing Services Corporation from community, health and environmental perspectives.
I researched and wrote a report for Canadian Policy Research Networks connecting social housing to urban agriculture. See the full report, Towards Food Security Policy for Canada’s Social Housing Sector,here.
For UN-Habitat, I produced an evaluation tool to measure the Millennium Development Goals for community-based organizations working in self-help housing.